Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cold Sore Remedies that Get the Job Done

Cold sores certainly affect your personal and social life. They always appear seemingly at the worst possible times.

Painful and ugly, cold sores normally break out on the edge of the lip or nose. Cold sores will occur and reoccur at the site of initial infection.


The virus responsible for all cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes is the herpes simplex virus - type 1 and type 2. Although type 1 is more common for facial sores, either type will create identical sores.

When you are infected, the virus will claim a nerve fiber nearby and make it a lifetime residence. All cold sores caused by this herpes virus family will appear on the surface end of that nerve fiber.

The herpes virus lives and operates inside the actual nerve cell. Usually it is dormant and hiding in the nerve roots.

Because it has your nervous system bugged, it can tell immediately when the conditions are favorable for becoming active and replicating.


When this parasite virus senses the opportunity, it will rush to the surface and enter the nerve cells there. The herpes virus cannot reproduce its own kind so it forces the cells to create copies of itself.

The cells continue to build new virus until they are full - using arginine (an amino acid). The virus then bursts the cell open to release hoards of new virus copies. It is this destruction of a large number of cells that creates the open cold sore blister.

Cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes are very painful because they form on the end of nerve fibers. It is similar to the pain from a tooth nerve.


This is a very contagious virus. You must be very cautious during the entire cold sore process - from the first itching to final healing.

If you spread the herpes virus to your eyes, it can be quite dangerous. There are many cases of this and it often causes permanent damage to the cornea.

You can get cold sores anywhere on your body where the virus can get through the skin - fingers, cheek, neck - anywhere the virus can get into the mucus membrane below the skin. Victims report fingertip cold sores are MUCH more painful than the lip ones.

Kissing is the most common way of spreading this virus. This is why the lip is the most common place to see them. By the time most people are 12, they are infected. You can thank kissing relatives and friends.

Contaminated fingers are the second most common way of spreading the virus. This is how you normally infect your eyes and other parts of the face or body.


Stress causes your body to burn a lot of vitamins as it gears up for battle. This weakens your immune system and gives the herpes virus a chance to replicate.

More importantly, stress lowers your body pH into an acid state. This lowers your oxygen levels and opens the door to cold sores and many other diseases.

Besides stress, a diet high in acid food and drink (soda and coffee) can cause your body to become acid. Vegetables rich in calcium (cabbage, asparagus) can prevent this from happening.


Apply ice or any cold object at the first inkling of a coming cold sore. Once the sore breaks open stop the cold and start applying heat using a warmed up tea bag.

There are many ways to speed the healing process. Putting garlic or oregano oil on the cold sore will chase the virus back into hibernation and will help keep the scab from cracking.

Keep in mind that cold sores are best treated by natural remedies. But also keep in mind that each one works differently for different people.

Continue searching and trying different cold sore treatment methods. You can greatly reduce or eliminate oral herpes cold sore events once you find the program that works best for you.

Want more cold sore home remedies? Go to Denny Bodoh's popular ANSWER site loaded with FREE information about Cold Sores and some great Cold Sore Treatment tips you can use immediately.

cold sore remedies: cold sore treatment

cold sore remedies: cold sore treatment

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